ESP8266 wifi module.
As most of you would know is getting famous for its small size, easy to interface, and low cost availability of wifi for internet of things projects. :)
Well I bought this module in form of esp-07. They are all same expect in pin numbers or gpio available out side.
This are powered with 3.3v supply and also interface at 3.3v i/o .
To keep it simple people can get other links how to connect ESP to arduino or to pc directly.
I wanted to test this module to connect to my locally created server, So first I thought I would have to go to linux and create a tcp/ip code with socket API to test, sent from serial over wifi from module and receive on wifi of laptop and print on computer screen by this code. But Python saved me. (not an animal its a language easy to use and learn, learn it, it will help you easy your efforts to test things)
So this was my set up.
Enjoy your time with this new module. I will keep posting more things on it. Currently looking how to get to with this thing.It will open up new dimensions for me.
also this library could help you.arduin_ESP8266 library
As most of you would know is getting famous for its small size, easy to interface, and low cost availability of wifi for internet of things projects. :)
Well I bought this module in form of esp-07. They are all same expect in pin numbers or gpio available out side.
This are powered with 3.3v supply and also interface at 3.3v i/o .
To keep it simple people can get other links how to connect ESP to arduino or to pc directly.
I wanted to test this module to connect to my locally created server, So first I thought I would have to go to linux and create a tcp/ip code with socket API to test, sent from serial over wifi from module and receive on wifi of laptop and print on computer screen by this code. But Python saved me. (not an animal its a language easy to use and learn, learn it, it will help you easy your efforts to test things)
So this was my set up.
I try found a TCP server code in python and modified it to just print what ever it receives from ESP's serial input.
So I opened a tcp server on laptop A with its WLAN IP address and some port number you can use any but don't use dedicated port numbers such as 80 as they are used by other applications on you pc.
once you are done on server side.
setup you ESP module to connect to serial port monitor and connect it with AT commands to you wifi router or access point
now note your laptop A's IP address you used to setup you server.
as you know to connect to the server with TCP, AT command is.
so as it is shown in espressif wiki for all AT commands
to connect to server:
here all xxx are numbers separated by dot(.)
and xxx is port number you assigned the server.
Once if its connects you get connect response from ESP on serial monitor or you get error on some problem.
if you are connected to Server that is it is connected then, to send data to server requires you to use
AT command
look at how to use it from this link. link to all at commands
here is a screen shot to my test although I made few mistakes giving commands still I have highlight correct once.
also this library could help you.arduin_ESP8266 library
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